I had to compensate with a lot of play dough, paint and baking projects. That's fine, but I think I've hit a wall and it isn't even Fall yet. I have an entire Midwest winter filled with kinetic sand and glue sticks to get through. So before the first day of September even passes, I am banning glitter. I'm done with it, it's evil. It can't be contained in a baking pan or a plastic box or the bathtub, so I am saying no thanks.
I've decided we will still do art projects and have messy time, but I'm allowed to ban glitter and anything that involves bathing or vacuuming after five minutes of play. So I wanted to share some of my latest cleaner alternatives for passing the time and engaging in creative play.

1. A Mother Goose Time monthly box.
This box comes with 20 + days of activities, music, art projects, manipulatives, books, puzzles and more. I have used this box for it's intended purpose as a homeschool curriculum, but I have also taken it apart as well. I have 2-3 of the art projects sitting ready to go in an old plastic container in my kitchen. If we need an activity while I am making dinner, I pull out one of the activities and within a few minutes my son is set creating, doing puzzles, following patterns and more. While I work, we talk about what he is doing and I ask him the questions provided by Mother Goose Time that correspond to that lesson or project. Some projects do include some messy play and even the occasional speck of glitter, but here is a secret....I don't use it. That's what so great about this box, you can follow a lesson plan to the letter or use the items in the way that best fits your educational or recreational style.

A place mat with all the continents and animals from those areas is a conversation piece that cost me $1. I won't cry if it gets ruined. Gel clings that occupy my son and do not require a magic eraser; worth a dollar if you ask me. Oh, and even better are plastic containers from snack packs of cookies. I have a bag full of them. Fill them with paint for a Mother Goose Time project and then toss them when you are done.
3. Color Wonder Mess Free Markers

4. Kwik Stix Paint Markers
When I can't even bring myself to squeeze paint from the bottle or break out the water colors, I use these. They are amazing. They give you the coverage of acrylic paint without any liquid mess. We used them to make a Mother Goose Time project and they worked perfectly on my son's paper bag animal puppet.
5. Wikki Stix
We received these in our complimentary August Mother Goose Time box and I am sold. Little wax sticks that can be shaped into almost anything. My son wanted to use them to spell out his name. Yes please. I am so excited to bring these to restaurants and overnights at grandparents.
I hope these tips have been helpful in finding some creative, stress-free tools for the cooler months ahead. I'd love to hear your tips for projects that don't involve crying during cleanup!