Monday, March 4, 2013

Apparently I Can Bake Bread. Who Would Have Thought?

Fleishmann's Dough
Lately I have been experimenting with making some everyday staples from scratch that I would usually buy pre-made. This is part of my ongoing struggle to really know (and control) what goes in my body. The trickiest experiment thus far has been baking my own bread.  I got a C in chemistry, and I’m sorry but baking is just chemistry disguised as a cute little old lady. Plus, I don’t have a bread maker.  I have been working with an oven and a pan to make round loaves. It has been an interesting experience to say the least.

The Mix
On a related note, a couple weeks ago, I wrote a quick email to Fleishmann’s. This is the company that has been making baking products like yeast for a million and one years. I let them know how much I enjoy using their pre-measured packets of active dry yeast, and they sent me a few coupons for their Simply Homemade boxes of bread mix. 

Keep that water at 110 to 115!
To be completely honest, I have made some picture-worthy loaves that are total mush inside. I have accidentally doubled the amount of salt in one recipe, and even made a glass baking dish explode in my oven. So, you might think a Bread Baking for Dummies box would be just the ticket.  I promptly went to the store and I bought the Country White Mix.  Upon my first attempt (you can probably see where this is headed) to make the idiot-proof bread, I found myself needing to bake the loaf almost 10 minutes longer than the directions and still found mush in when I cut it open.

Attempt number two was a bit better. Using my second coupon and some advice from the Contact Us section on Fleishmann’s website, I picked up the Italian Herb variety and triple checked my water temperature.  Apparently, it had to be pretty spot-on to activate the yeast.  This time, my loaf still needed an extra eight or nine minutes, but I only found one speck toward the center that seemed raw.  My oven has a tendency to run hot, so it’s interesting that I still faced this issue.
While the Italian Herb bread went beautifully with my Italian beef stew, I probably wouldn’t invest $3.99 per box on this product. Flour, yeast, water and salt probably cost me 30 cents a loaf when I make bread from scratch. 

Simply Homemade Fleishmann's Bread
Oddly enough, what has ended up working best for me is what I consider to be Frankenstein of bread recipes. When making this recipe, I use a Sterilite shoe/boot container and keep the dough in my fridge for up to two weeks. A half batch makes enough for 4-6 loaves, depending on how large of a loaf is desired.  When I’m ready to bake, I pull a chunk of the dough from the container and allow it to come to room temperature for 25 minutes, while my oven preheats. Then the dough bakes for about 25 minutes. 
Homemade Bread from the Monster Mother Dough

I encourage all to give this monster mother dough a shot. It is sad the preservatives and additives that can be found in some as simple as a loaf of store-bought sandwich bread. The more we control what goes in our bodies, the better off we are!

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