Don't get me wrong, my family owns a ridiculous Hotwheel Garage and an embarrassing amount of Thomas and Friends Mini characters that I trip on in the night. We are not plastic-free, Zen people. However, I am trying to buy less that lights up and makes noise (doesn't help the sensory processing issues) and do more project-based purchases, or educational items that will grow with my son.
One way I have done this is to have a Mother Goose Time box delivered monthly for my son. I have purchased many in the past, but am currently receiving them in exchange for my thoughts on the products.
Every single month, I am getting at least 20 days of pre-packaged activities. This includes creative art projects with supplies, books, manipulatives and puzzles. I am the last person you would consider to be a homeschooler, mainly because I used to teach in public school and I am a DIY drop out. I seriously love opening the daily bag and pulling out a craft for my son, reading materials, games and more. We have even had days where we just where out bathing suits and go to town on two or three projects. This allows us to get crazy for an hour or so with paint, sand and all sorts of fun sensory experiences.

While I continue to work on asking some of Thomas and his Friends "go back to the island of Sodor," I will continue to supplement my son's learning, crafting and library with Mother Goose Time.
I love this! It's so true. I always babysit extras during the summer and we all kept busy having fun and learning. Four kids, one 8, two 6 and one who is 3. We played two MGT games and they played with all the manipulatives for hours!